Are you having trouble losing weight? Don’t worry – you’re not the only one who feels this way.
Losing weight isn’t always simple, and many people struggle with it.
Many of us may feel as if we’ve tried various methods and approaches and have come to a halt.
You know what? Having trouble losing weight might not be your fault.
Some people might say that you’re not eating properly, you’re not as active as you should be, or you’re not prioritizing your health.
But that’s not true.
Tell you what – there are 3 widespread reasons why you might not be losing weight as fast as you should, and there are simple explanations behind them.
So, let’s take a look.
Reason number 1

Do you have a belly pooch? Do you have a sweet tooth for carbs and sugar? Do you get irritable when you’re hungry?
If you have any of these symptoms and cannot lose weight, then the problem is likely that you have blood sugar dysregulation.
When you eat carbohydrates, your blood glucose levels rise, and your pancreas responds by releasing the hormone called insulin. On the one hand, what insulin does is transport sugars to the right cells. On the other hand, it promotes fat storage when there is too much of it.
This process runs smoothly in a healthy person, and blood sugar levels return to normal approximately 2 hours after a meal. However, the cells can become fatigued and lose their ability to accept insulin efficiently.
That’s where insulin resistance comes in place, which is a condition that, if left untreated, can lead to type 2 diabetes.
So, what can you do to regulate your blood sugar?

Well, first – change your diet. Artificial sweeteners should be avoided in your diet because they can alter your gut bacteria and contribute to metabolic syndrome and obesity. Take some time to think about how much and how often you consume products containing artificial sweeteners.
Second, limit your total carb intake and opt for whole food carbs like broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans rather than processed or refined carbs.
Third, eat high-quality protein with each meal like fish, lean meats, and chicken.
Finally, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water because dehydration leads to higher blood sugar levels.
Reason number 2

Do you suffer from aches and pains in your joints and muscles? Are you worried and feeling constantly exhausted? Do you have rashes on your skin? If you have any of these symptoms and cannot lose weight, the issue is most likely due to excessive inflammation in your body.
Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism that also aids in the healing process. However, excessive inflammation can lead to chronic issues like heart disease, stroke, arthritis, weight gain, and weight retention.
Your immune system is activated when your body is exposed to something harmful, such as a virus, bacteria, or toxic chemicals, or when you are injured. Your immune system then releases inflammatory cells and cytokines.
Cytokines are proteins that stimulate the production of more inflammatory cells. These cells initiate an inflammatory response to capture the offender and begin the healing process for the injured tissue. Pain, swelling, bruising, and redness are possible side effects.
On the other hand, inflammation can affect body systems in ways that aren’t visible.

Inflammation can last for a short time, be acute, or long-term. Acute inflammation fades away in a matter of hours or days. Even after the initial trigger has passed, chronic inflammation can last for months or even years.
Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer’s, and other conditions are linked to chronic inflammation.
But what can you do to prevent excessive inflammation?
Well, you could try an anti-inflammatory diet. This diet focuses on fresh foods and meal plans without sugary or processed foods, while it also encourages eating more plants or whole plant foods. The ideal head start is a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
This diet focuses on antioxidants to prevent, delay, or repair some types of cell and tissue damage. Antioxidants can be easily found in colorful fruits and veggies, like berries, leafy greens, beets, avocados, beans, lentils, ginger, etc.
Finally, get your omega 3. These fatty acids regulate the body’s inflammatory process and help control pain related to the inflammation. You can find omega-3 in healthy fats such as fish, for instance, salmon, tuna, and mackerel, as well as smaller amounts in walnuts, pecans, or ground flaxseed.
Reason number 3

Are you easily irritated? Do you suffer from headaches? Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you suffer from digestive problems? Or do you find it difficult to concentrate? If you have any of these symptoms and are still unable to lose weight, chronic stress is most likely to blame.
You’ve probably heard this common saying that the more you’re stressed, the more weight you lose. I’m afraid that’s not true.
Actually, more often than not, stress causes many people to overeat.

Stress eating is a type of emotional eating that leads to increased calories and, if frequently done, weight gain. Furthermore, when people are stressed, they tend to crave high-fat and high-sugar foods. These sweet and delicious foods stimulate our brain to release pleasure chemicals that reduce tension.
And because it feels like it relieves stress, this calming effect becomes highly addictive. And even though it feels that you’re being relieved of tension, actually, you just start to feel worse and gain weight.
However, some people develop acute stress or chronic stress. Basically, it is a constant sense of feeling pressured and overwhelmed over long periods of time.
Chronic stress often causes high cortisol levels, which can lead to lowered immune function, less restful sleep, fatigue, water retention, decreased insulin sensitivity, muscle and joint pain, impaired bone health, poor memory, brain fog, allergies, autoimmune disorders, infertility, and, you probably guessed it, weight gain and inability to lose weight.

What should you do to prevent chronic stress and lose weight?
Well, first of all, identify your stressors. Take some time to sit down and write down your sources of stress.
Secondly, examine your daily routine. Think about any areas in your life that can be improved upon to help you alleviate stress.
Thirdly, eliminate. Evaluate all your written stressors from your list and see which one you made number one. Maybe this one has to be eliminated.
The fourth step – prioritize. Having a lot of responsibilities and tasks to do throughout the day can be frustrating and overwhelming. Try to prioritize essential items on your list to accomplish and carry other tasks for the next day.
Finally, if you tend to stress-eat, follow these tips:
- Remove all temptations and take your snacks and candies out from your sight.
- Drink water as often people confuse hunger with thirst.
- Distract yourself; for instance, call your friend or go for a walk.
- Prevent boredom, create a to-do list for each day to help you stay busy.
Now that you know these three most common reasons why you might struggle to lose weight, what should you do next?
Well, there are many tools to help take care of your health out there: starting from various diets and finishing with digital products and apps.
However, the innovative app called Klinio appears to be one of the most popular choices among our readers.

Klinio program is quite a unique tool as it is an all-in-one app specializing in personalized methods for users to lose weight, control their blood sugar levels, deal with diabetes-related issues, and track health metrics.
So, suppose you have blood sugar dysregulation or excessive inflammation.
In that case, Klinio can help generate a meal plan removing various added sugars and sweeteners.
In turn, creating a meal routine full of nutritious foods helps you balance your blood sugar levels.
What’s more, if you have diabetes or you simply have blood sugar dysregulation and tend to check your blood sugar daily, Klinio accommodates each user with the ability to keep track of blood sugar levels and keep a record of them.
If you aim to lower carb intake, the Klinio app offers a low-carb ketogenic meal plan, which you can adjust into your routine.

But suppose you feel stressed and seek to prevent chronic stress. In that case, Klinio’s specialty is creating a meal plan that would be healthy, nutritious, tasty, and fulfilling, in turn, stopping unnecessary indulgence in junk food.
For stress eaters and those with blood sugar dysregulation, drinking a significant amount of water is vital. So, with the Klinio app, you can track your water consumption and get reminders to keep yourself hydrated.
Overall, Klinio is designed to help anyone who wants to succeed in their health, lose that extra weight, or learn how to manage diabetes symptoms.
The Klinio program is now available on iOS, Android, and the web platform.
To get started, take this FREE Klinio quiz to find out what works best for you and your personalized meal plan.
Are you ready to begin your weight loss journey?
Always consult a professional for medical advice