How Overweight People With Type 2 Diabetes Can Lose Weight Without Stressing Out About Calories
Hi, I’m Lauren. Gaining weight and the number on the scales has been an area of concern for me ever since I was a kid.
Growing up, I was the biggest kid in class who always played the huge mama role in school plays.
At the time, I didn’t worry about it that much. People always lose their teenage fat, right?
Actually not. Nevertheless, I graduated college, got married, and had three beautiful children of my own.
My age, weight, and number of children increased, but the number on the scale never went down.
In fact, it went up almost exponentially to a point where I didn’t only begin to accept my new lifestyle but embraced it too.
But it wasn’t until I gave birth to my third child that my health became a serious concern. I now have type 2 diabetes.
I suffered from complications like unstable blood sugar, high cholesterol, arthritis, vision problems, and depression.
I became larger, always opting for baggy t-shirts rather than beautiful dresses.

Not only that, my weight gain took a physical, mental, and emotional toll on me. My entire body ached.
Even worse, as much as I wanted, playing with my kids was exhausting. I always felt tired, constantly gasping for air.
This chronic illness also added stress to my married life. We used to be a happy and sweet couple, but things just got a little boring, and the spark faded away.
I was always weak for romance and even hid from my husband whenever I was changing clothes, too ashamed of myself to see how big I had become.
I saw myself becoming a miserable, irritable person. I saw the negativity and anxiety overcoming me.
I began to ask myself: “Is there a way to stop my weight gain and complications? I must find out now!”
I became determined to change – my life, my weight, my mood, my relationships.
Despite my constant efforts to lose weight, nothing seemed to work.
I’ve spent out on blood sugar strips, medicines, insulin needles, and much more.
I’ve been on diets before, such as gluten-free, lactose-free, and the biggest loser diet.
I exercised when I felt like it and took my medication on time.
Even with all that, my overall condition wasn’t improving, and my weight was still increasing.
I would lose a little weight at some lucky moments, but it came pouring back in just a few days.
Then one day, I saw my diabetic cousin Annie’s recent photo that received lots of compliments on social media:
“You lost weight and look so good!”
I knew they didn’t mean anything bad and simply commented that they’d seen the photo.
But for me, all I heard was, “Hey Lauren, you’re unhealthy and big – why not change yourself?
The voice in my head telling me I wasn’t good enough was taking over my life.
I would lock myself in a room because I was so unhappy with the way I looked and felt embarrassed to be seen in public.
Deep inside, I was desperate. Desperate to lose weight, look good, and feel better.
That’s why I asked Annie how she did it, and she introduced Health Insider to me.
To my surprise, I saw a lot of diabetes management and weight loss success stories. People who were even bigger than me were somehow managing to become far slimmer and healthier.
I spoke with Annie, and she encouraged me to take a free quiz.
It was simple and didn’t take me more than one minute to complete.
I was asked about my type of diabetes, diet type, age, weight, height, allergies, medical conditions, preferred number of meals per day, physical activity level, and target weight.
In the end, I was provided with a personalized meal plan app based on my answers.
When I checked the plan, I was fascinated!
I was skeptical at first. Annie has type 1 diabetes, so how could this app help me lose weight and help me with all my diabetes-related concerns?
I called my doctor immediately to ask if this would work for me. He said it wouldn’t only help me reach my desired weight, but it would also help him analyze and evaluate my progress.
He could easily view my meals, carb intake, calorie count, blood sugar levels, HbA1c, exercise routine, weight, water intake, and more.
“Well, I have nothing to lose,” I thought to myself. And with that, I followed my personalized meal plan.
It finally had everything I needed – a doctor-approved weight loss plan, a nutritionist, wellness coach, and personal trainer.
The app is called Klinio, a sustainable meal plan created by top-notch diabetes health professionals.
With the help of this app, I was now able to create my own customized meal plans according to my needs and other easy-to-follow recipes I could swap ingredients for without leaving me feeling like I was depriving myself.
I also experimented with different types of healthy yet tasty recipes, which was an extraordinary advantage. It included my favorite ingredients and avoided everything I hated.

What made my weight loss journey more enjoyable was its unique system that helped me find all my ingredients faster and made them more accessible than ever.
I always bought my groceries in advance, so I was extremely grateful for its categorized weekly shopping list.
Eating was my primary emotional coping mechanism, and my first impulse was to open the refrigerator whenever I was stressed, upset, tired, bored, angry, or lonely.
I no longer worry about that because Klinio’s meal plans are so nourishing, and the portion size and calorie intake guides help me stay on track even when all I want to do is binge.
I knew that regular exercise was essential, but I couldn’t find a way out of diabetes fatigue, and I usually dreaded a hard slog at the gym or even at home.
Klinio helped me try light yet effective physical activity challenges that were fully based on my personal preferences, and I ended up gradually working up to more demanding ones!
My family could see the difference in my size and shape in just a month.
My cholesterol and blood sugar levels improved dramatically too.
I’m proud to say that…
I’m now 22 pounds lighter, more energized, and happier. And I couldn’t thank Klinio enough.
After years of hiding when getting dressed, I now feel comfortable changing clothes, especially around my husband.
After all the trial-and-error, after all the binge and emotional eating, after all the frustration I experienced because of how unhealthily big and round I looked.
But now…
I’ve never felt fitter, healthier, stronger, or happier.
I look in the mirror and think to myself, “Wow, what a fantastic difference!”
Yes, everything seems better! I feel like a new person with a younger-looking glow.
If it wasn’t for Annie helping me stumble upon that simple quiz, I don’t think I could have lost all that stubborn weight and turn my life around at 55.

So I’m sharing my story with every overweight, diabetic person who is already losing hope of ever becoming fitter, healthier, and happier.
Klinio can help you with diabetes management, as it helped me. There is no easier way to say it.
What do you like to eat?
Always consult a professional for medical advice