Sarah Avoided Meds and Lowered Her Blood Glucose Naturally
Now she’s sharing the secrets of how she did it with everyone else…
My mother’s death saved my life, and it can save yours too.
But how could the death of my sweet old mother do that?
This is the story of how my mother died from a disease that is three times as deadly as Covid.
A disease that more Americans die from every year than from AIDS and breast cancer combined.
A disease that caused 1.5 million deaths in 2019 alone and is expected to have 700 million people suffering from it by 2045.
A disease that is the major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke, and lower limb amputation.
A disease that destroyed my life, and saved it too.
Pardon me for being a harbinger of bad news, but these are straightforward facts about diabetes, a disease that has the power to kill you if you don’t stop it in its tracks.
My name is Sarah – I have diabetes, but I successfully lowered my blood glucose level and reduced my diabetes symptoms naturally, without any medication whatsoever.

Now I want to share my story with people like me who are struggling with this disease and are trying to lower their blood glucose levels but are tired of taking expensive medicines to keep them alive.
I share how I did this, so no one has to suffer from losing a loved one.
Fortunately for me, I found this way to reduce diabetes symptoms before it was too late.
Had I known about it a few years earlier, my mother would still be with me.
My mother was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 50 years old.
Although it wasn’t a shock to her because diabetes ran in her family, it completely changed her.
My sister and I watched as she came home from the hospital that day and went straight to the computer, reading all that she could about diabetes, looking for a way to control it or manage it somehow…
She cried herself to sleep that night.
Everything changed from that day on.
She was always tired.
She was sick of the medicine the doctors had prescribed to her.
She couldn’t even enjoy a sweet cup of tea without her blood glucose spiking up.
It was devastating. For her, and for us.

We didn’t know how to help her.
I was only 19 back then, and my sister was 16.
One day, we came back home and found out that our mom’s glucose levels had spiked, and she was at the hospital.
It was heartbreaking to watch our full-of-life mother lying on the hospital bed, unconscious, tubes attached to her nose.
With time, hospital visits became more frequent.
Her diabetes was eating her from inside.
Until one day, it took her.
She had been having heart problems for the last few weeks.
Palpitations, shortness of breath, pain in the neck and jaw, and weakness in legs and arms.
She brushed off these symptoms as she thought that was just diabetes as she had already felt tired because of it.
Little did she know these were early symptoms of a heart attack.
She started having these symptoms in February.
On the second Tuesday of March, she suffered a heart attack, which was the final blow.
The doctor told us that her diabetes had weakened her heart and that we should get tested too to see if it was genetic.
We were too busy adjusting to our life without our mother, which was difficult, to say the least.

Moving forward a few years, I started having some weird symptoms.
Blurry vision, excessive thirst, cold hands, and feet…
I went to the doctor for a simple check-up, and he ran a few tests.
The results were my worst nightmare come true…
My blood glucose levels were over 200.
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
The first thought that came to my mind was the day my mother got home and gave us the news.
Her suffering, her pain, her hospital visits, all the bad memories kept on creeping back to me.
I couldn’t let that happen to me.
I had two small kids, and I just kept thinking about them.
What would happen to them if I became sick or even died?
I cried myself to sleep the whole week.
But I knew I had to do something.
I couldn’t give in to it.
Giving in meant welcoming death, and I couldn’t let that happen.
I was not ready to give in to diabetes, so I started looking for ways to help manage it.

I sought out the best diabetes specialists I could find.
They all said the same thing: eat healthily, walk more, avoid carbs, and take medicine.
That’s it.
No one prepared me mentally to help my transition to a life with diabetes.
No one guided me on how to make changes to my current diet to keep my blood glucose low instead of trying all sorts of low-carb diets that just didn’t work for me.
No one was even remotely ready to help me avoid medication and try to manage my diabetes naturally.
I was on my own.
But I knew one thing, I wasn’t going to go the traditional route of getting started on medications, starting a new low-carb diet, and getting on with my life.
Doctors wanted me to learn to live with my diabetes as if nothing had happened, but I couldn’t do that…

I couldn’t just give up and surrender.
Eventually, I found the solution.
A solution that helped me avoid medication and keep my blood glucose levels low naturally.
A solution that would help me reduce diabetes symptoms as much as possible.
A solution that allowed me to eat the things I love and be the person I was without feeling constantly tired and exhausted.
A solution that changed my life in just 6 months.
I found a solution that saved my life…

And it’s called Klinio.
My friend introduced me to this unique, life-saving app.
All I had to do was to take a quiz about the type of my diabetes, my eating preferences, any eating allergies I have, any medical issues I am suffering from, the number of meals I eat every day, and so on.
A team of professional nutritionists and top-of-the-line diabetes specialists then made a customized diet plan for me.
It had all recipes and meals with calories already calculated and designed according to my preferences, so I never felt like I was on a diet.
It had no-equipment workouts for me that helped me keep fit and get the exercise I needed to manage my diabetes.
The comprehensive activity log and detailed progress tracker helped me keep track of everything, from my blood glucose level to weight.
The educational content helped me understand more about my diabetes and ways to lower my blood glucose levels naturally.
I saw incredible results within 6 months.

No diabetes complications. No high blood glucose levels. No fatigue.
I was living a full, happy life.
Diabetes didn’t control my life anymore.
Since then, I have suggested Klinio to more than a dozen of my Facebook diabetes support group members, and all of them have seen similar results.
But I didn’t stop there.
I started writing articles about my journey to help more people and let them know about this so they can live a normal life too.
So, if you are someone who has diabetes and struggles to keep your blood glucose levels low, try it for yourself.
Take the quiz, and get a personalized meal plan for yourself today.
A life without diabetes symptoms is possible for you. You just have to try.
Always consult a professional for medical advice