“After failing every diet there was, I never expected the results Klinio has brought me – I’ve lost 31 lbs.”

Gary’s health had been declining for years, and his prediabetes was getting more challenging to manage. Every diet he tried failed him and brought him even more weight. Klinio’s personalized meal plan was a game-changer that helped him lose 31 lbs, lower his A1C to 5.7, and most importantly, avoid diabetes all while enjoying the foods he loved.
Expert says:
Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. The only way to lose weight and manage prediabetes is to eat food that fits your lifestyle and that you truly enjoy. Instead of starving yourself, substitute “empty calorie” food with fiber-rich meals that are more filling and have a low glycemic index.
Click to get a delicious and healthy meal plan for prediabetes:
“Just the thought of exercising and going to the gym gave me anxiety. I wish I knew that the solution to my troubles was this easy.”

Ana struggled to find exercises she would enjoy and was suitable for her age at 57. Klinio taught her that exercising doesn’t need to leave you sweat-soaked on the floor. It can be just a simple movement incorporated into your daily routine. With the help of Klinio, Ana has already lost 26 lbs, stabilized her blood sugars, and fixed her prediabetes.
Expert says:
Harvard Health suggests 115 minutes of moderate exercise per week (or 75 minutes if it’s vigorous). There are plenty of ways to get this done without going to the gym like walking, running, biking, dancing, gardening, or even cleaning up around the house.
Press the button to get easy home workouts:
“Who knew that using the food in my pantry would help me drop 40 pounds?”

Lucy was constantly overeating, and take-outs were her everyday go-to choice. She used to buy groceries mindlessly without planning her meals out for the week. Klinio’s grocery list that came with a personalized meal plan was a life-changer for her. She has lost over 40 lbs by now and fit into her old clothes again.
Expert says:
Going to a store with a list can help you avoid impulsive purchases like processed foods and unhealthy snacks. Having the necessary groceries helps you prep food for the days ahead. Instead of the whole week, you can begin preparing only breakfasts for the upcoming week and ease into it.
Click to get a meal plan with an integrated shopping list:
Editor’s note:
Gary’s, Ana’s and Lucy’s stories inspired us to research the Klinio app further to see if other users have had a similar experience with this tool. Here’s what they had to say:

Results may vary due to personal features. Always consult a professional for medical advice.